Description & Size
- Legless
- No eyelids
- Lacks external ears
- Each scale has a prominent ridge in the middle (strongly keeled)
- Single anal scale
- Triangular shaped head
- Enlarged triangular shaped scale on the tip of the head (rostrum)
- Total length: 76.0-279.0 cm (29.9-109.8 in)
- Back color: yellow
- Belly color: yellow with black squares
- May or may not have darkly colored spots and/or blotches
Life History
- Diurnal, rarely nocturnal
- Active season: May – October (Iverson, Young, and Akre, 2008)
- Breeding season: spring
- Lays eggs
- 1-2 clutches of 2-24 eggs per female

- Grasslands
- Open woodlands
- Farmlands
- Rocky outcrops
- Sandy soils
- Small to medium sized mammals
- Birds
- Bird eggs

Most common range within the last 50 years and does not include outliers. For more info email researchers email Dennis Ferraro at