(Formerly Brown Snake)
Scientific Name: Storeria dekayi
Family: Natricidae
Description & Size
- Legless
- No eyelids
- Lacks external ears
- 17 rows of scales that have a ridge in the middle (keeled)
- Total length: 22.9-45.9 cm (9.0-18.1 in)
- Back color: brown, reddish-brown, gray
- Belly color: lightly colored
- May or may not have dark dots and/or stripes that extend down the back
Life History
- Diurnal, rarely Nocturnal
- Active season: Early March – early November
- Breeding season: spring
- Gives live birth
- 6-8 young per female


- Woodlands around streams
- Brushy habitat around streams
- Moist woodlands
- Suburban backyards
- Under rocks, logs, and boards
- Snails
- Slugs
- Earthworms
- Insects
Range Map

Most common range within the last 50 years and does not include outliers. For more info email dferraro1@unl.edu