Scientific Name: Regina grahamii
Family: Natricidae
Description & Size
- Legless
- No eyelids
- Lacks external ears
- Scales on the back have a prominent ridge in the middle (strongly keeled)
- Divided anal scale
- Total length: 45.7-119.4 cm (18.0-47.0 in)
- Back color: light brown to olive
- May or may not have dark lines extending down the back
- Belly color: lightly colored may or may not have spots
- Wide cream to yellow strip located on the first three scale rows on the back starting from the belly
Life History
- Diurnal, rarely nocturnal
- Active season: April – October
- Breeding season: April – May
- Gives live birth
- On average, 15 young per female
- Permanent wetlands
- Edges of streams and lakes
- Crawfish burrows
- Crayfish
- Rarely frogs and fish
Range Map
Most common range within the last 50 years and does not include outliers. For more info email researchers email.