Scientific Name: Plestiodon multivirgatus
(Formerly: Eumeces multivirgatus)
Family: Scincidae
Description and Size
- Smooth scales
- Short fore and hind limbs
- Total length: 10.2-19.4 cm (4.0-7.6 inches)
- Multiple stripes that run down the back of the body
- Pair of white stripes on the 3rd scale row from the middle of the back
- Stripes: alternating between light and dark coloration
- Base color: dark brown to olive green
- Shortgrass prairies
- Mixed-grass prairies
- Sandy soils
- Terrestrial arthropods
Life History
- Diurnal
- Active season: April – early October
- Breeding season: Spring
- Lays eggs
- 3-9 eggs per female
Most common range within the last 50 years and does not include outliers. For more info email