Scientific Name: Lithobates pipiens
(Formerly: Rana pipiens)
Family: Ranidae
Description and Size
- Slimly, slightly granular skin
- Extremely long hind legs
- Prominent continuous lines (dorsolateral fold) that extends from head to the rear of the body on either side of the body
- Total length: 5.0-11.1 cm (2.0-4.4 in)
- Back color: green with brown or grey
- Spots: dark colored, outlined in white
- Belly color: white
- Wet meadows
- Semi-permanent bodies of water
- Cattle stock tanks
- Aquatic vegetation (larvae)
- Aquatic bacterial colonies (larvae)
- Arthropods
- Worms
Northern Leopard Frog Call
Life History
- Mostly nocturnal, can be diurnal (Blomquist and Hunter Jr., 2007)
- Active season: March – October
- Breeding season: Mid-March – June
- Lays eggs
- 600-6000 eggs per female (Corn and Livo, 1989)

Most common range within the last 50 years and does not include outliers. For more info email dferraro1@unl.edu.