Family: Colubridae
Scientific Name: Pantherophis ramspotti
(Formerly: Mintonius vulpinus)
Description & Size
- Legless
- No eyelids
- Lacks external ears
- Scales on the back have low ridge in the middle (weakly keeled)
- Divided anal scale
- No “V” pattern on the top of the head
- Total length: 60.0-179.1 cm (23.6-70.5 in)
- Back color: yellowish or reddish gray to brown
- Belly color: yellowish white with a dark checkerboard pattern
- May or may not have brownish blotched pattern down its back
- Grasslands
- Woodlands
- Savannas
- Farmland
- Near water
- Birds
- Bird eggs
- Small mammals
- Amphibians
- Lizards
- Snakes
Range Map
Most common range within the last 50 years and does not include outliers. For more info email researchers email Dennis Ferraro at