Scientific Name: Carphophis vermis
(Formerly: Carphophis amoenus)
Family: Dipsadidae
Description & Size
- Legless
- No eyelids
- Lacks external ears
- Scales on the back are smooth and glossy
- Small head
- Small eyes
- Sharply pointed tail
- Total length: 17.8-39.1 cm (7.0-15.4 in)
- Purple coloration on top
- Pink to orange coloration on bottom
- Dividing point in the color is on or around the 3rd scale rows above the belly scales (ventral scales)
Life History
- Fossorial
- Active season: spring – mid-fall
- Breeding season: March – June
- Lays eggs
- 1-6 eggs per female

- Moist woodlands
- Wooded hillsides
- Under rocks, bark, logs, and leaf litter
- Earthworms
- Insect larvae and pupae
- Very small snakes
Range Map

Most common range within the last 50 years and does not include outliers. For more info email